There can never be too many teardrops in a person’s life.


Say WhatTeardrop trailers, that is.

And there can never be too many teardrop trailer gatherings.

This past July 4th–our first ever spent in our new home state of Arizona–we joined up with a teardrop trailer group known as Arizona Roundup for a holiday weekend camping event. The gathering required participants own either teardrop trailers or vintage trailers dated pre-1980.  Let me tell ya’, the cozy, classic, and funky factors of the trailers were way off the charts (and we’ve seen some pretty interesting trailers in the past!).

The event took place at the Kaibab Lake Campground near a town called Williams in northern Arizona.  The campground is part of Kaibab National Forest and is only about 60 miles away from the southern entrance of Grand Canyon National Park.

Unfortunately, the weekend started with a communication snafu, resulting in the campground setting aside only half of the campsites we needed for the event. But ya’ know what . . . teardrop and vintage trailer folks are a friendly lot, so attendees salvaged the situation by agreeing to the only option available: doubling up at each campsite.

We were one of the last trailers to arrive at the event, so had few choices on where to crash. Bent on staying near the center of the action rather than on the fringes, we were happy to take up the campground office’s compensatory one-time offer to allow trailers to park on the turnaround road in our dedicated loop area. We made camp at one end of the turnaround road . . .

WILLIAMS_07042015_082while another teardrop trailer made camp at the other end . . .

WILLIAMS_07042015_045Though we technically camped on a paved road, we were happy about our setup. Tons of space around us to spread out. Plenty of room for the dog run. And exceptional real estate for putting up our over-sized American flag . . .

WILLIAMS_07042015_002We had some rainy weather to deal with, which served to remind us why we love our teardrop trailer so much more than tent camping. Rain? No problem. Time to curl up inside on the queen-size bed and read a good book or take a little nap.

Knowing the event included a Saturday afternoon picnic, Mark made his Dutch Oven Sweet Potato Curry Chicken recipe to share with 30 or so folks who gathered at one of the covered (thank goodness!) picnic areas. Thanks to everyone else bringing equally great appetizers, entrees, and desserts, we probably ate better than our forefathers did on Independence Day 1776!

After the community food fest, we headed over to downtown Williams, AZ, for a good old-fashioned 4th of July parade down their main street–a vibrant stretch of historic Route 66.

Williams, AZ is a super-fab place to visit on your way to or from the south entrance of the Grand Canyon. It’s chock full of restaurants, music, and gift shops . . . and even the occasional play-acted cowboy, shoot-em-up showdown in the streets.

But especially on this Independence Day weekend, there was no shortage of patriotic spirit in Williams . . .

and no shortage of teardrops, since a half dozen or so of our teardrop trailer-event folks joined in on the parade, too . . .

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On Sunday, Mark and I spent the afternoon at Grand Canyon National Park. The weather was still snotty, but we enjoyed the park just the same. If anything, cloud cover adds interest to the canyon.

When we were exiting Grand Canyon National Park, we were treated with an elk sighting that perfectly wrapped up a great day and an awesome weekend. Check her out . . . isn’t she purty?


Check out the Williams area if you ever get a chance. And if you’re interested in future camping events in the Arizona area open to vintage trailer owners and teardrop trailer owners (both vintage AND new), check out the Arizona Roundup web page .


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Happy trails, y’all!Sue J signature